Same Movie, Different Cinema by Harmz featuring Shanii22
Ninad Tripathi
I think its safe to say alot of people have been living under a rock in 2020. The issues going on in today’s world get ignored by the majority and the rest jump on bandwagons when things are cool to do, but forget about them mere moments later.
Harmz, a local Halifax Musician and Videographer wanted to hit exactly on those points He sat down to put together a project which would really make people think, not just about race issues going on today but also about the way they act and compose themselves today in a self-centered, self-serving society.
Harmz also enlists Shanii22 for a verse on this track where Shanii has a lot to say about the current state of the middle east and how they are used as a tool by the rich to further first world economies. He talks about how he doesn’t have the tools/ or monies to make changes to the system but also that its only a couple loose screws which act together to ruin it for everybody.
This is honestly one of the best videos to come out of Eastern Canada and we’re quite proud of what the maritime provinces have bought to the rest of the world.
Check out the track below